Lets cut to the chase here., page-21

  1. 82,113 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    yes, - but not on an unimaginable scale like what is coming.

    It is the same mistake as people made when we came into the computer era but, in reverse.

    People thought - oh, gee, computers can do in 1 minute what 1 man can do in 2 weeks - that means we will lose lots of jobs.

    Yes, but what people failed to realise is that every computer needs someone to build it, build the software, operate it (punch the keyboard), fix it and man the huge spin off of system changes that it would spawn ------ the end result was that it created far and away more jobs than it extinguished.

    On the surface - people are now saying - oh yes, that will happen with robotics.

    No, it won't. We won't need people to build them - robots will, - as they will fix themselves, run themselves etc..
    Whereas computers made life easier for basic living - cleaners, drivers etc. - ie. better machines, mobile phones, better cars and trucks etc. - they didn't actually replace anything -

    robots will ------------ full replacement - drivers, gardeners, farmers, miners, even soldiers (especially soldiers) -the roles are limitless.

    It's already here - look at farming robots, look at military robots, drones - self drive cars - soon, self drive trucks on the road - not only in the mines.

    Yes, we have had competition for years - but, not like this - this is revolutionary - not evolutionary.

    IMO there won't be a single driver employed within 20 years ---------- not one.
    Ditto cleaners.
    Ditto farmers who actually handle the dirt.
    Ditto foot soldiers
    Ditto real pilots.
    Ditto a zillion other jobs

    How in the name of god are we going to approach that? With our current thinking (political as well as economic and societal) ?

    To me, it beggars belief - and, as far as I can see - our politicians can't keep up with running the place as it was 10 years back - lets face it - Abbott was a man of the 1950's - so who is going to be able to think like we are in the next 10 years?

    With a 3 year term?

    Lets see what Malcolm has to say - I just hope he doesn't get railroaded by idiots wanting leverage on climate change or similar ---------
    if we fail in the economic planning - and we need it FAST - then, I don't care if the planet melts - we will all be too poor to notice.

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