I posted this over at the politics thread...but no interest...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    I posted this over at the politics thread...but no interest there today....it was posted there due to the politicalisation of the subject....by the ETS
    in the great rush and race to rip us off with a tax that does nothing for the climate....
    how about we look at the alternatives....solar energy, wave power, wind etc....oh, and how long have we known about these alternatives....20 years....
    and why is a solar power company here in oz in liquidation, why, why why....

    lets kick this off.....
    extract follows.......

    FACT 1: As a Conservative politician, zero growth is not an option for me. We have to find a better way to provide growth. We have to get smarter in the way we use our energy resources and other resources. You can profit from a clean economy. In Denmark we have proven this in clean, cold numbers.

    FACT 2: Danish unemployment is less than 3 per cent and there are thousands of jobs in the clean energy sector.

    FACT 3: 30 per cent of Denmark's electricity is produced from renewables.

    FACT 4: The Danish clean energy sector produces 10 per cent of the nation's exports.

    FACT 5: Danish clean sector exports are growing twice as fast as other Danish exports -- 13 per cent compared to 6 per cent.

    FACT 6: How much energy will be consumed in the carbon capture and storage (CCS) process is often forgotten. If we were to rely on CCS technology to reduce emissions from power plants we would have to build four plants instead of three, because the capture process uses about a third of the energy produced.

    FACT 7: What we thought was impossible 10 years ago in terms of integrating a large amount of wind energy into our electricity grid is now possible.

    FACT 8: We are doing substantial research into storing energy from wind in batteries. Part of that program involves US electric vehicle company Better Place. Once its battery-storage infrastructure is rolled out, there will be no limit to how much wind we can have in Denmark.

    Looks like a happily-ever-after ending for renewable energy is not too far off.

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