let's see gina r get out of this one !, page-21

  1. 1,913 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hotfire, sorry to spoil the party but I have a daughter who works in WA. The mine flies her from Perth to the mine (~1000km). She flies her selve from Melbourne every fortnight and she's way better off than working here in Melbourne. Oh and she claims the airfares on her tax just to rub it in to the rest of us. (Something to do with being a second leg of a trip to work or something, I'm sure there's someone on HC who can explain the technicality here).

    She enjoys the work and the flying. We went to WA in February this year and I estimated that about half the passengers on the twin aisle jet both ways were miners. So its a big business not just for the mines.

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