lets see what the nut jobs make of this, page-111

  1. 25,520 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    You have very (conveniently) forgotten that the recent economic crisis was not confined to the USA but was much worse all over Europe. I don't suppose you have heard that Germany has bailed out most of Western Europe beginning with Ireland, Greece Spain and then Portugal and then moving onto the fiscal tiddlers like Iceland and Cyprus. Since your mind is so fixated on whatever happens in the USA,I don't suppose you have heard of these fiscal calamities. How politically convenient.

    And I have also heard that many large banks in the UK made some very sloppy loans which required billions of dollars from the UK government to rescue them from their financial ineptitude. Even fiscally prudent Switzerland got caught up in the fiscal frenzy.

    And lo which country is the first to emerge from this fiscal turmoil. You mean that you don't know.What a surprise. Go to the back of the class as it wasn't Greece or Italy etc etc.,It was the good old USA, the very same country on which you are fixated. I bet that disappoints you. But it doesn't pay to have a closed mind, does it?

    The countries that the USA invaded (your term) were basket cases, hiding world wide terrorists, intent on bending the world to their narrow view of life. But frankly I am glad that the USA has finally departed from Iraq and left it to the mercy of the misogynst religious thugs, the same thugs that are mired in the mores of centuries long past. The same goes for Afghanistan, although I feel sorry for their womenfolk who will be forced to put up with the anachronistic and misogynist practices of their Muslim religion.

    Unfortunately our leaders in the West, with the help of the judiciary, have allowed these thugs to crawl all over their countries spreading their vile hatred of the same countries that provides them with endless welfare.

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