lets see what the nut jobs make of this, page-3

  1. 21,239 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9

    whilst I have no idea what Beck is referring to, it has been established beyond all doubt that the FBI was intimately involved in the first World Trade Centre bombing, it is also known they had links to McVeigh the Oklahoma bomber, and they chose to ignore vital information prior to 911 which all got hushed up - heads did not roll, on the contrary those people most culpably ignorant in the FBI were actually promoted!

    and if you consider the US Congress and Senate, ALL except for a mere handful of prominent representatives have been bought and paid for by lobby groups.... US politicians of all rank are merely puppets acting only in the interests of small, very rich, hence very powerful lobby groups.

    Democracy in the US has been hijacked - there are many formerly loyal patriotic Americans with some clout who are coming around, albeit slowly, to realise their government has been usurped, is merely a front for interest groups - one foreign one in particular.

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