letter from achmed to momma

  1. 3,402 Posts.

    momma ,

    just a line to let you know I am well, the great satans look after us , if we are cold they make us all huddle together so as to keep warm , they have a very nice lady soldier that checks us out every day to make sure that all organs are functioning properly , no worries about blood in the urine or prostate cancer .

    Inn fact osama went for a walk the other night , and momma you know he had ruined his eyesight by tooo much personel abuse , well this nice lady soldier tied a rope onto him and so osama was able to continue his walk without any fear of getting lost .

    momma ,

    still confused, why are the americans so nice to us ,

    we dont keep prisoners , we kill them outright , in fact when someone else kills them we then kill them again, , mutitlate and behead them then set them on fire and drag them behind trucks or hang them from bridges .

    Any way momma must go now, just finished my bath and on my way for supper, the guard reckons that the fricasse of ckicken is out of this world and It is going fast so better get there before it runs out .

    ali baba to you momma


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