letter to bush and chaney from dying soldier, page-2

  1. 7,590 Posts.
    It is a terrible indictment on the US and the way that the US Government treats it's returned soldiers.

    "An estimated 200,000 American war veterans are homeless, and unemployment among recently returned veterans is 3 per cent higher than the national average."


    In the 2nd Iraq conflict, certain people within the US Administration made a lot of money on the weapons of mass destruction [WMD] premise.

    Vaccinations: http://www.globalresearch.ca/who-owns-the-rights-on-tamiflu-rumsfeld-to-profit-from-bird-flu-hoax/1148


    Donald Rumsfeld doesn't look very happy with Joschka Fischer.

    Also, don't forget that Rumsfeld helped Iraq to use biological weapons on the Kurds.


    He also shook hands with Saddam.

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