Letter to SHY

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    TO SENATOR SARAH HANSON YOUNG Like most normal people in the community, I have trouble in establishing just what planet it is you live on! Your strident outpouring of crap on illegal immigrants is incredibly offensive to the vast majority of Australians, which is why you and your nutter mates Milne, Bandt, Brown, Rhiannon and co, attract only 8% of the national vote, and they are the extreme looney left in our community, to whom you obviously relate. The majority of illegal immigrants come from Muslim countries from, which in case you haven't noticed, 99% of all terrorists emanate. Every muslim country in the Middle East is in total turmoil and, with notably few exceptions, are poor, violent, and have not been able to govern themselves for centuries. Their vile islamic religion with its jihad and fatwah spew forth hatred and terror across the world, and anybody who does not follow their crazy doctrine is considered an infidel and should be executed and Allah is obviously quite OK with that, yet you are in the forefront in assisting more of them to come here? Muslim immigration into civilized western societies is a huge drain on the welfare systems of those countries, syphoning off much needed funds for our own disadvantaged people. The majority of muslims in western countries are unemployed and unemployable, they create unrest, squalor and dependence on welfare. In Denmark the muslim population is around 5% yet they account for around 75% of that country's welfare payments. Muslims refuse to recognize the elected governments of democratic countries and have allegience only to their despicable Allah and their vile sharia law, yet they are all happy to live on the public tit in any western country they can infiltrate. Last time I looked, the muslim community is the only ethnic group to have its own dedicated police task force (Sydney's middle east crime squad) to deal with the anti social criminality that is rife among all muslim ghettos in western countries. Witness the two muslim maniacs that hacked a decorated soldier to death in the UK last year? I suppose you would let them out on probation to be rehabilitated. And what about the subjugation of women who are treated as mere chattels by muslim men, with children being dragooned into forced marriages, in many instances with men they have never met... Are you OK with that? The European migrants that came here from Europe after the second world war assimilated into Australian society and made this country what it is today, and I as a 6th generation Australian of 71 and married to a Dutch woman,greatly admire those people. You keep harping on about discrimination and on that subject we can agree with one point of difference: there is not enough of it. The regular executions and drive by shootings in Sydney's western suburbs, the drug dealing and organized crime that necessitated a special police task force, the draining our welfare system, are all due to muslim immigrants. And there you are with your bleeding heart all over our television screens castigating Tony Abbott for protecting Australia's sovereignty and preventing the massive drain that unemployed muslims place on our scarce welfare resources that can certainly be used for much more deserving causes. Get this through your dumb green skull! The vast majority of Australians do not want muslim immigration into this country, and if a referendum on this issue were held tomorrow, you and your scaly mates know damn well what the result would be. So give us all a break and refrain from your pathetic outpouring in support of illegal immigrants, the vast majority of whom are muslim, we could give a rat's arse, and you and your nutter associates in the greens are a disgrace to this country! Peter Jacobsen 27/98 Thorn St Kangaroo Point Australia 4619
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