AGY 5.26% 3.0¢ argosy minerals limited

@88crazyhorseI hope you're right. Additionally, I hope the last...

  1. 4,360 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1810

    I hope you're right. Additionally, I hope the last paragraph of the article rings true and this is just short-lived posturing in the lead up to the national elections, so it may not happen anyway. I think some kind of tax/royalty increase is ultimately inevitable, and I'd rather see it play out like this than to experience what is happing in Africa with LLL, AVZ, etc. There's still some sovereign risk in Argentina, but it seems to be the pick of the bunch in South America (setting aside the inflation issues of course). I'll be interested to see how this plays out, I read in another article that a decision will be made by 30 Oct 23.
    Last edited by Rob826: 03/10/23
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