AGY 4.00% 2.6¢ argosy minerals limited

Li-related News/Articles/Reports, page-5787

  1. 330 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 21
    Maybe this could be moved to Gen Discussion - needs to be wider circ. JZ had Stellantis at the AGYaltar 12 months ago. Due diligence completed, terms completed, just waiting for signatures. No equity dilution involved, full funding based on offtake deal. Then nothing! I'm guessing Stellantis reconsidered and wanted equity. Wonder where the SP would be if that deal had gone through?
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Mkt cap ! $36.39M
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2.5¢ 2.6¢ 2.5¢ $20.66K 825.9K

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2 524231 2.5¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
2.6¢ 1117476 9
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Last trade - 13.11pm 13/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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