liar liar pants on fire - again!!, page-3

  1. 4,217 Posts.
    It had to be an ABC announcement didnt it.

    Left out most of the report, its not so "sanitised"

    IAEA: No Evidence of Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program
    VOA News
    11 Nov 2003, 10:26 UTC

    The U.N. nuclear agency says it has found no evidence Iran is developing nuclear weapons, but the investigation of the Iranian atomic program is not yet complete.
    The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, sent a report on Iran's nuclear program to members of the U.N. agency's board in Vienna Monday.

    According to the report, obtained by Western news organizations, there is "no evidence so far" that Iran sought to build a nuclear bomb. But it says given Iran's "past pattern of concealment, it will take some time to conclude that Tehran's nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes."

    The report criticizes Iran for "deliberately" hiding evidence of its nuclear program from international inspectors and for numerous "breaches" in its obligations under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

    Monday, Iran told the IAEA it was suspending the enrichment of uranium and would allow unannounced inspections of nuclear sites. The U.N. agency had asked Iran to take those steps because of concerns the enriched uranium could be used for nuclear weapons.

    The IAEA Board is to meet later this month to decide whether Iran violated its treaty obligations.

    The United States has accused Iran of using its nuclear power program as a cover to develop weapons. Iranian officials say they want to enrich uranium solely to generate fuel for nuclear power.

    Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters

    Get the report from Al Jazeera's website. Theyll probably say that the US was caught planting plutonium fuel rods under Khatamis pyjamas ....lolol
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