We are in the final hours of the election campaign and the...

  1. 3,442 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    We are in the final hours of the election campaign and the Liberal Party is desperate. Malcom Turnbull's plan to clear out the crossbench has backfired.

    Every well-respected political commentator has said this week that the crossbench may grow - including two Senators for the Jacqui Lambie Network.

    The Liberals are feeling the pressure and this week, Tasmanian Liberal Party director Sam McQuestin has made dishonest and misleading claims regarding my voting preferences - to which I plan on referring to my legal counsel.

    I have only ever had an open ticket, I have not preferenced any party let alone the Greens - a party whose extreme environmental views caused damage to my home state when it held the balance of power.

    It's not unusual for Liberal Party state directors to be dishonest - who could forget the performance of former Tasmanian Liberal Party executive Damien Mantach, a proven liar and close colleague of Sam McQuestin - who, as the state director of Victoria, was found guilty of theft after he embezzled $1.5 million worth of party funds.

    Mr Mantach was also found guilty of deception to gain political advantage and was forced to resign after using a party credit card for $48,000 worth of personal expenses.

    It appears that the same level of honesty and trustworthiness seen in Mr Mantach's case, can be seen in Mr McQuestin and is evident for all Tasmanians to see just before a historic Federal election.

    The fact that this man has been allowed to remain as Liberal Party state director shows what sort of leader Malcolm Turnbull has become, and also shows why we need a Federal Anti-Corruption body established as soon as possible.

    But I don't want to be distracted from more important matters. Wednesday I met a high-level delegation from Aged and Community Services Tasmania who warned me about the Liberal's savage $1.2 billion cuts to their sector, which start today.
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