"Some impartiality from you wouldn’t be a miss."You should take...

  1. 478 Posts.
    "Some impartiality from you wouldn’t be a miss."

    You should take your own advice. For your edification, read on.


    Social Security (Administration) Amendment
    (Continuation of Cashless Welfare) Bill 2020
    Submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee

    CPSA is a non-profit, non-party-political membership association founded in 1931 which
    serves pensioners of all ages, superannuants and low-income retirees. CPSA’s aim is
    to improve the standard of living and well-being of its members and constituents. CPSA
    receives funding support from the NSW Government Departments of Communities &
    Justice and Health and the Australian Government Department of Health.

    CPSA does not only represent Age Pensioners. It also represents mainly older
    Disability Support Pension and Carer Payment recipients under pension age, as well
    as people on JobSeeker over 55. What all these people have in common is their
    horror of this most undignified, patronising and useless program.
    CPSA is concerned that IM is being rolled out gradually with a view for it to become
    the universal social security payment delivery vehicle not only for recipients of working
    age but also for those of pension age. There are several indications that this is the

    First, the current Minister for Social Services was reported as saying that for CDC “to
    be a mainstream financial literacy tool for Australia it does need to be rolled out away
    from just rural and regional communities
    , and that’s the conversation we need to have
    with the Australian public over the coming months”. She added: “It does need to have
    a broader application than perhaps the social harm reduction that the original policy
    was designed on”. A letter by CPSA asking the Minister for Social Services to
    specifically rule out extending Income Management to Age Pensioners received no

    Also note that on page 4 of the Bill’s explanatory memorandum it says that making
    CDC permanent will “signal the Government’s long-term commitment to the future of
    the CDC with financial institutions”, the big banks in other words, which apparently are
    only interested if CDC is rolled out to much larger numbers of people. Including the
    largest category of social security payment recipients, Age Pensioners, in IM/CDC
    would be likely to sharpen the appetite of financial institutions. Clearly, there’s a plan,
    but that plan is not about income management, lifestyle concerns and protection of
    vulnerable people.

    Second, IM is framed in legislation as a universal program and specifically includes
    Age Pensioners and Age Service Pensioners by including their payment type as a
    trigger payment. Rather than specifically excluding people of pension age from
    participation in the Income Management program generally by excluding their
    payments from the list of trigger payments, a separate provision for each trial area
    individually excludes people of pension age from participation. The proposed
    transition from Income Management to CDC would be a good opportunity to put a
    general exclusion of social security recipients of pension age in place, but the Bill
    contains no such exclusion.

    Third, Income Management measures are targeted at people assessed by the
    Department of Social Services (DSS) as requiring protection from economic abuse.
    As recent inquiries have shown, financial elder abuse is rife in Australia, making it
    logical (if you believe in the effectiveness of IM/CDC as the Government does), to
    compulsorily include social security recipients of pension age as participants

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