Morrison et al either have short memories or are simply lying to...

  1. 478 Posts.

    Morrison et al either have short memories or are simply lying to the electorate. I suspect the latter. Here's Josh Frydenberg peddling the same falsehoods.

    Identical sentiments

    Mr Frydenberg pivoted from criticism his government was too slow to act on a Chinese security pact with Honiara, saying he wouldn’t take lectures from Labor after Mr Marles encouraged Chinese investment in the region.

    “(Mr Marles) said he would encourage China’s engagement in the Pacific, he dismissed any strategic concerns, he welcomed more financial assistance from China into the Pacific,” he told the ABC.

    “We won’t take a lecture from the Labor Party on this very important issue.”

    But comments by Mr Morrison featuring similar language in an address to the University of Melbourne in 2019 have also resurfaced.

    “We welcome Chinese investment. We have welcomed it for decades. The stock of Chinese investment in Australia in 2018 was more than eight times larger than a decade ago,” he said.

    “The infrastructure needs of the region are enormous and Australia welcomes the contribution that the Belt and Road Initiative can make to regional investment and to regional development.”

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