liberal party leader , page-7

  1. 14,166 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    Not all of Australia has been brainwashed into the climate change debacle. Some of us see it as simply another means for more taxes. IMO, Turnbull may not be the best for the top job as it would remove any opposition to these questionable taxes.

    When Gillard flew the breadth of the country a couple of weeks ago for some backslapping on climate change, it seemed quite hypocritical, IMO. Obviously no thought of reducing her carbon footprints with her jet useage (article link below). Not to mention her flitting here, there and everywhere in the jet before the election. I doubt that carbon entered her mind except for the new taxes she was planning.

    And then there are the Al Gores and Travoltas that preach the perils of global warming but have massive carbon footprints themselves. They are obviously not personally concerned about carbon excesses and footprints.

    In another apparent con, we have all been hit with huge water costs. In the Sunday Mail, it lists the huge salaries the water board receive - ranging from around $250,000 to $500,000 each p.a. And they have just had increases up to $100,000. It's beginning to look like water is another "fleece the people" to line the pockets of others.

    I lost trust in Turnbull when he was agreeing with Rudd on the ETS. I would prefer an opposition leader who does not support these taxes. Scientists do not seem to agree, so it seems quite silly that we should go down this path until it is much clearer.

    However, Turnbull would make an excellent treasurer and would provide some much needed opposition to Swan.

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