liberal will take both houses next election., page-165

  1. 2,901 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 25
    This time around large numbers of the green leaning 5.52 million Y gens will be moving away from tree hugging and into the conservative mindset as they hit maturity and middle age ...

    Not really. It appears that the Left-leaning Geny Ys, Gen X's and Millenials are not being won over by the poisoned LNP brand, just because they got a house and a family.
    There is now research to demonstrate that
    a) the LNP voters are generally older
    b) Nat Party voters are less educated
    c) Nat Party is unable to attract female voters
    d) Liberals, while trying desperately to recruit more female members, keeps abusing them, and therefore can't keep them

    So, the older someone gets nowadays, the less they like the Libs OR the Nats. Cause both pseudo conservative parties suck.

    Hence the grey haired membership of the well heeled Teals and Labor is rising.

    The study found that in general 2022 Coalition voters tended to be older, indigenous, with low education, living outside the capitals and with household income that put them outside the bottom quintile.

    Labor voters tended to have higher education levels, lived in the capitals, and had low incomes.

    Greens voters tended to be women, young, born in Australia or another English-speaking country, and without a trade qualification.
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