Liberals in NSW have voted to expel former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull from the party, page-44

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    Menzies wrote this about three classes:

    We do not have classes here as in England, and therefore the terms do not mean the same; so I must define what I mean when I use the expression "middle class."

    Let me first define it by exclusion. I exclude at one end of the scale the rich and powerful: those who control great funds and enterprises, and are as a rule able to protect themselves - though it must be said that in a political sense they have as a rule shown neither comprehension nor competence. But I exclude them because, in most material difficulties, the rich can look after themselves.

    I exclude at the other end of the scale the mass of unskilled people, almost invariably well-organised, and with their wages and conditions safeguarded by popular law. What I am excluding them from is my definition of the middle class. We cannot exclude them from problems of social progress, for one of the prime objects of modern social and political policy is to give them a proper measure of security, and provide the conditions which will enable them to acquire skill and knowledge and individuality.

    These exclusions being made, I include the intervening range - the kind of people I myself represent in Parliament - salary-earners, shopkeepers, skilled artisans, professional men and women, farmers and so on. These are, in the political and economic sense, the middle class. They are for the most part unorganised and unself-conscious. They are envied by those whose benefits are largely obtained by taxing them. They are not rich enough to have individual power. They are taken for granted by each political party in turn. They are not sufficiently lacking in individualism to be organised for what in these days we call "pressure politics." And yet, as I have said, they are the backbone of the nation

    The Liberal Party was founded for the middle class, not the rich and powerful. The rich and powerful have recently joined with the "mass of unskilled people" to erode the living standards and indeed the upward mobility of the middle class. This is why I believe the "middle class" need to temporarily switch from the traditional belief in the sacred cows of the rich and powerful to supporting those mechanisms that directly transfer wealth from the top to the bottom. As the rich and powerful become more enamoured of regressive economic policies that directly harm the middle class, such as current electricity and immigration policies, the middle class should return the favour by increasing the use of high income levies to pay for these "progressive policies".

    An example of such an approach would be to propose a high income levy to pay for the renewable energy transition, this would for the first time impose a direct cost on the rich and powerful of economic policies that have been nothing less than disastrous for the middle class. Turnbull is the archetype of a rich and powerful class that has both ignored the best interests of the middle class and simultaneously attempted to profit from economically destructive progressive policies. The Liberal party base needs to understand what has been happening and attempt to redirect the minds of the "unskilled masses" away from policies that are destructive to the middle class and towards policies that introduce a real cost for those "rich and powerful" that have been playing "pressure politics" with the masses while using the middle class living standards as a shield to any economic impact on themselves.

    The first step is to understand that the Liberal party heart belongs in the suburbs of Brisbane of Sydney and not the high income enclaves of Wentworth and similar. The Liberal party needs to listen to the middle class and impose a real cost on high net worth individuals for their flirtation with the "pressure politics" of the unskilled masses, the perfect catalyst for the abandonment of "progressive high net individuals" should be the election of Bill Shorten. biggrin.png

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