liberals sore losers

  1. 2,788 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    Great fun reading the anti-government posts. Like reading a losing teams excuses as to why they will win the next game if only....... Super/rent tax will be imposed by all mineral exporting nations when they see Australia has gone ahead with ours. Australia has to pay super tax on a lot of things we import from overseas.....books,music,computers,software etc. We have to bribe car manufacturers to keep making them here; if that isn't a super tax, I don't know what is. But we keep importing
    these things and making cars...yes because we have to, as China etc will eventually have to pay the super tax down the track. So what have the Libs to offer? Australia is off and running so they had better hurry as most of us haven't got much time for Abbott's, um, er, well preface to every answer he gives.
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