libs have it in the bag, page-33

  1. 6,351 Posts.
    I live in a safe Labor seat... I voted Liberal.... many were out voting early. Traditionally this occurs when people are angry with the existing Govt. and usually indicates they are going to be voted OUT! YEEEHAW (hope)...

    Even in my seat, this looked to be what was happening. Funny, a guy walking in front of me was checking his Liberal how to vote sheet received in the post with the Liberal how to vote sheet handed out. He obviously wanted to be diligent and vote the best way... after the lies, wrong coloured backdrops, backstabbing, maybe he was trying to eliminate any more foul play to ensure his vote counted...

    Unfortunately, there are too many voting Green, as an alternative in my electorate. Frightening to think the future of the country could be controlled by them having the balance of power.
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