I find it entertaining to observe this recent hysterical...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 287
    I find it entertaining to observe this recent hysterical backlash to Parler calling it a "right wing H8 chat" platform

    I've had an account on Parler for a while now, since it first hit my radar when reading some discussion about Twitter 'fact checking' trump tweets. I know its recently gained a bit more interest, but I have been watching it for a while and can tell you this "H8 speech" label is nothing more than comedy.

    What I can tell you about Parler is that (currently) it is still a bit of an echo chamber as there really aren't too many left leaning voices on there yet, but for the most part calling it H8 speech is just ridiculous. By and large the content posted and discussed on Parler is not dissimilar to what is discused on Twitter, but with much less arguing as there is relatively limited opposition voice so far.

    At this point, since it's censorship of political related speech by Twitter that has driven the interest in Parler as an alternative, most of the chatter there is politically oriented still.

    While there is always the odd fringe loony around (on both sides and on any platform), I can tell you the level of hate speech on Parler is trivially insignificant compared with what is plastered wall to wall on twitter by the radical left. Thanks to twitters efforts to 'censor' dissenting views, the twittersphere certainly comes across as a markedly more 'radical H8' platform.

    Some of the conservative voices on Parler seem to be hoping the relatively peaceful platform doesn't get invaded by the radical left and their cancel culture crowd (I can understand why they might feel that way), however I get the impression that most do actually welcome opposing voices if/when they do move across to Parler.. Generally, they are really just after a platform where they can argue without one side of the debate having their voice stifled by the platform itself.

    On twitter there are commentators with wide reach having their account suspended, posts being 'fact checked' and plenty of more subtle things like limiting the reach of certain posts etc. When the platform has sided with one side of the debate it isn't an even playing field. Parler's objective is simply to stay out of it and let both sides of the debate discuss their issues with rules that apply across the board. (Yes, they do have rules and limits to what will be tolerated, and have enforced them often enough already so its not a free for all)

    The sudden rush by the media to call it a right wing H8 speech platform in my opinion is a telling sign of their frustration at not being able to control the narrative there the way they can elsewhere. I guess most people will just accept that line from the media and avoid it themselves. Most of the higher profile posters are just posting the exact same posts on both Twitter and Parler (unless they have been kicked from Twitter already haha)

    Don't be afraid of Parler and don't be fooled by the hysteria.. its a much less hateful environment than Twitter!
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