I think it's actually quite smart to use a short term levy -...

  1. 18,561 Posts.

    I think it's actually quite smart to use a short term levy - it's a marketing technique. Highlight the issue, seen to be doing something, protect your revenue base whether you are in deficit or surplus, gain another lift when you announce it's over.

    All politicians play games. This PM is a ripper - see her performance today trying to wedge the opposition into an indefensible position.

    The NDIS is forever. It's not suited to a levy and for that matter neither is the Medicare funding. Neither actually pay anywhere near the full cost so what's the point? Both should be funded out of normal revenue. Tax everybody through spending - oops Labor opposes that - something to do with regression?

    How many people will never pay a levy because they don't pay tax - and how is our ageing population adding to that number?

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