There's no doubt Liberal MPs did some serious soul searching...

  1. 9,298 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 512
    There's no doubt Liberal MPs did some serious soul searching before turfing out Tony Abbott.
    But the first and most important job for all MPs is to get re-elected.
    Obviously the majority thought this would be next to impossible with TA as PM.
    That's what all the public opinion polls showed and that's what everyone knows.
    The worst PM in living memory. Another brown onion with that Mr Abbott?
    Malcolm Turnbull has learnt a lot in the past few years, since his first poorly advised, ill thought out run as opposition leader, and he is the better for it.
    The wonder is that the Liberal Party and MPs let Abbott go as long as he did.
    He was given every opportunity to show his worth and just didn't measure up, couldn't measure up.
    Someone had to put Australia out of its misery of having a clown such as Abbott as PM.
    Turnbull had enough courage to do it.
    For that i thank him.
    The quality of the Australian government has just improved immeasurably.
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