The process of telling us repeatedly that Good is Bad and Bad is...

  1. 213 Posts.
    The process of telling us repeatedly that Good is Bad and Bad is Good is mind numbing and the relentless hypnotism of Abbott going on and on telling us the way he wants it. The way we need to think, ie. his way. May be reality tv has got in to our brains. Abbott's big party, but who is going to clean up the mess in a few days.

    The Libs are “stable" what a joke, after 3 leaders in less than 3 year and total of 6 years. Labor is unstable? after one change of leader in 6 years and then back to the one before right at the end due to the crummy fact that men hate women. Hey! collating this is quite easy

    Government debt is “out of control” when all the world wishes they had debt like us.

    We all know the faults of Abbott, he loves throwing carrots to the donkeys. Yet he is being presented with some sort of aura of prudence and sound behavior. If you examined his history of public contact we know this is not how he operates and will operate when the artificial situation of an election campaign is over. And he has won, hell it's a very scarey thought, and if he loses, my god I hope he gets the message to go on sabbatical.

    We are being sold something that is NOT true.

    It is said countries deserve the governments they elect.

    If the Libs get up..., then there will be some very sorry people soon after.

    At present the world economies seem to be picking up, things are still fragile though. Recession in Australia will follow if the Libs tighten up and refuse to spend to stop us going down the gurgler too. There are heaps out of work in QLD and in NSW due to LNP Govts screwing things down too much. If you are angry about this then go to the sitting govt. the culprit. Dont pass the buck

    Why cant we hold it steady as she goes, instead of the risking change of govt. just for the sake of it? Or is everyone in too much pain because they cant face the fact that Australia is in grave peril with global warming and climate change. Why pay out when you are so scared? Why not face it with courage and keep working at sorting out this big mess humans have made on the planet. Lots of work needs to be done, and some brilliant ideas and innovation needs to come forth.

    If you are out on farms, you must have worked out by now, the Greens do have the environment at heart. You must know in your hearts that we are in trouble. You see it everyday. Sure the Greens are rather too idealistic at times, but they do seem to understand the land.

    So Abbott gets all hyper about hating the Greens. He might just as well hate the farmers. The Greens are actually your best friends you guys.
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