from today's West---------------Julia Gillard has declared...

  1. 9,438 Posts.
    from today's West

    Julia Gillard has declared means-testing the 30 per cent health insurance rebate is part of the "Australian fair go" as she defended her latest attempt to rein in middle-class welfare.

    The Prime Minister cited how apprentices earning a few hundred dollars a week were subsidising health fund premiums for businessmen earning $300,000 a year.

    "If you've got two of them together, the young apprentice and the businessman, and the apprentice was getting his wallet out to give some dollars to that businessman, I think that businessman would probably say 'mate, keep your money, I don't need it'," she said.

    So just who is subsidising who in this patently absurd attempt at instigating class warfare for votes?

    A businessman earning $300,000 a year is likely paying more than $120,000 in tax .. to the Federal government. How much is her apprentice paying? In fact without the businessman and 1000's like him or her, the apprentice would likely not have a job at all, or receive the dozens of rebates, allowances, concessions and subsidies available to him/her… let alone depend on a public health system.

    When is this government going to stop demonising the very people it is dependent on to fund their crazy schemes?

    When the businessman and 1000's like him pull out of the private health system and join the public one, who is going to benefit? Not the apprentice.

    This is simply another attempt at wealth re-distribution and squeezing the middle class lemon to fill the budgetary black hole. What is Labor/Green going to do when it runs out of other people's money?
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