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lihir and ballarat to merge

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    17 October 2006
    Lihir Gold Ltd and Ballarat Goldfields NL have proposed a merger of the two
    companies, creating a major Asia-Pacific pure gold producer.
    The combined company will have two world class assets in Australia and Papua New
    Guinea, a strong growth profile, reducing costs and significant exploration opportunities.
    The company is expected to achieve annual gold production of more than 900,000
    ounces in 2008, around 1 million ounces in 2009, and well in excess of 1 million ounces
    per annum thereafter.
    Importantly, the transaction also will secure the future of the Ballarat operation by
    providing the financial resources required to take the project to full development.
    The Merger Proposal
    The merger will be achieved through a scheme of arrangement (Scheme).
    Under the Scheme, Ballarat shareholders will receive 5 Lihir shares for every 54
    Ballarat shares held which equates to a value of 28.8 cents per Ballarat share based on
    the closing price of Lihir’s shares on the day prior to the announcement of the
    transaction. This offer values Ballarat at $350 million, based on its fully diluted share
    This offer price represents a 28% premium to the last traded price of Ballarat prior to its
    trading halt on 13 October 2006.
    Based on the last traded price of Lihir shares, at the completion of the Scheme, the
    combined company will have a market capitalisation of more than A$4 billion, with
    Ballarat shareholders holding approximately 8% of the combined group.
    It is proposed that the two Non-Executive Ballarat Directors, Alister Maitland and Mike
    Etheridge, will join the Lihir Board of Directors, and Ballarat’s existing management will
    join the combined company’s management team, under Chief Executive Officer Arthur
    Ballarat Chief Executive Richard Laufmann will be appointed as the merged company’s
    Executive General Manager Australian Operations and Business Development, and will
    continue to be directly responsible for the Ballarat operation.
    The corporate head office of the combined entity will be in Brisbane and operational
    headquarters of the Ballarat mine will remain in Ballarat.
    The proposed acquisition is subject to the approval of Ballarat shareholders and the
    Supreme Court of Victoria. Ballarat shareholders will be provided with a Scheme
    Booklet outlining the proposal in greater detail which will include an independent
    expert’s report prepared by Grant Samuel & Associates Pty Ltd. This is expected to be
    provided to Ballarat shareholders during December with the meeting of Ballarat
    shareholders to approve the proposal to be held during January 2007.
    Ballarat Directors’ Recommendation
    Ballarat's directors intend to unanimously recommend that shareholders vote in favour
    of the scheme in the absence of a superior proposal and provided that Grant Samuel
    determines that the proposal is in the best interests of shareholders.
    Ballarat Funding
    Lihir is committed to the development of the Ballarat East gold project in accordance
    with Ballarat's development plans over the next 18 months which have been previously
    announced to the market.
    To cover interim funding requirements for the Ballarat East gold project development
    during the period up to the Ballarat shareholders' meeting to approve the Scheme, Lihir
    has agreed to provide Ballarat with A$41.7 million through the unconditional
    subscription for 149 million Ballarat shares at 28 cents per share.
    Compelling Merger
    Lihir Chairman, Dr Ross Garnaut, said that for both Lihir and Ballarat, the merger was
    “The deal creates genuine value for shareholders of the merged group, by creating a
    Tier One Asia-Pacific gold producer with strongly growing production,” he said.
    “This merger will take Lihir into a new era in its development, building on the great
    progress that has been achieved during the past few years, and consistent with our goal
    of developing a diversified, profitable, pure gold producer,” he said.
    Mr Hood said the merger established a combined entity with significant exploration
    upside, expansion potential and long mine life.
    “The combination of these two companies will create a major new force in the gold
    sector and an attractive investment option for global funds looking for pure gold
    exposure,” he said.
    “Furthermore, Ballarat’s management brings to the team valuable complementary
    underground mining skills that will advance our expansion strategy and provide
    enhanced management capability.”
    Mr Laufmann said the merger represented a landmark in the development of the
    Ballarat project.
    “This merger secures the future of the Ballarat operation. It means that the shareholders
    and employees can be confident in the long term future and prosperity of this operation.
    “As a cornerstone of a larger, multi-mine company, we will have the financial resources
    required to ensure that this project is properly developed,” he said.
    Conditions to the Scheme
    The principal conditions to the implementation of the Scheme are the approval of
    Ballarat shareholders, the Supreme Court of Victoria, and applicable regulatory bodies.
    Merger Implementation Agreement (MIA)
    Lihir and Ballarat have entered into the MIA under which they have agreed to proceed
    with the merger by way of the Scheme. Implementation of the merger is conditional on
    the satisfaction of a number of conditions precedent. The conditions precedent and key
    terms of the MIA are summarised in Appendix A.
    Following approval of the Scheme by Ballarat shareholders and the Court, all shares in
    the company will be acquired by Lihir and Ballarat will be delisted.
    Ballarat shareholders are not required to take any action at this stage in relation to the
    scheme of arrangement.
    Lihir is being advised by Caliburn Partnership and Blake Dawson Waldron. Ballarat is
    being advised by RFC Corporate Finance Ltd and Baker & McKenzie.
    Contact details
    For further information, please contact:
    Lihir Gold Ltd
    Joe Dowling
    Manager IR
    0421 587 755
    Josie Brophy
    Communications Officer
    0448 177 502
    Ballarat Goldfields
    Joel Forwood
    Manager Corporate and Markets
    (03) 5327 1111
    About Lihir Gold
    Lihir Gold owns and operates one of the world’s largest gold mines and processing
    facilities on the island of Lihir, 900 kilometres north-east of Port Moresby in New Ireland
    province of Papua New Guinea. The company is headquartered in Brisbane, Australia.
    Lihir Gold is publicly listed, with 1.28 billion shares on issue and a market capitalisation
    of approximately US$3 billion. Lihir Gold’s shares are traded on the Australian, Port
    Moresby and Nasdaq stock exchanges.
    The Lihir ore body is very large and rich by global standards. According to the
    company’s last resource and reserve statement, in February 2005, the estimated
    resource is 422 million tonnes averaging 2.95 grams of gold per tonne for 40.0 million
    ounces of contained gold. It includes proved and probable reserves of 188 million
    tonnes, averaging 3.48 grams of gold per tonne for 21.0 million ounces of contained
    gold. This estimate is based on a long-term price assumption of US$380 per ounce.
    The Lihir gold mine is an open pit mining operation consisting of three adjacent pits. The
    pits supply high grade ore for direct processing and lower grade ore for stockpiling for
    future processing. Nearly all of the ore is refractory sulphide ore which must be oxidised
    before the gold can be recovered.
    The mine has been in operation since 1997 and has produced more than 5 million
    ounces of gold. Production for the year ended 31 December 2005 was 596,000 ounces,
    with substantially higher production for 2006. Production will increase to more than
    800,000 ounces in 2007, following the expansion of the process plant through the
    construction of a 3Mt per annum flotation circuit. The company is also currently
    evaluating a range of options designed to expand annual gold production to in excess of
    1 million ounces per annum after 2009.
    Under the current mine plan open pit mining is scheduled to continue at Lihir until at
    least 2021, during which period higher grade ore will be fed directly into the processing
    plant and lower grade ore will be stockpiled. Processing of lower grade stockpiles will
    continue until beyond 2040.
    Lihir Gold has a large workforce comprising approximately 1,300 staff and 1,900
    contractors. Over 36% of employees are Lihirian Nationals, with a further 54%
    originating from other provinces in PNG.
    The Lihir Project is located within a geothermally active area that produces a natural
    abundance of geothermal steam. Since 2003 Lihir Gold has been harnessing this
    underground steam reserve to generate electricity, replacing heavy fuel oil powered
    electricity. The company is due to commission its third geothermal power station by the
    end of 2006. The new 20 Megawatt (MW) plant will take Lihir Gold’s total geothermal
    capacity to 56MW and meet all of Lihir Gold’s current electrical power requirements.
    Geothermal power will save the company an estimated US$20 million per year,
    compared to the cost of heavy fuel oil powered generation. The geothermal plant is also
    formally certified as a facility that will lead to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions,
    enabling the company to generate carbon credits and sell them on global markets. This
    is expected to generate revenues in excess of US$5 million per year.
    For further information, please visit Lihir Gold’s website at www.lihir.com.pg
    About Ballarat Goldfields NL
    Ballarat Goldfields has exploration and mining tenements covering the historic Ballarat
    East and Ballart West goldfields. Before its premature closure around the time of the
    fist world war, the Ballarat region produced over 12 million ounces of gold. Ballarat
    Goldfields is seeking to recover gold from the strata beneath the old workings. The
    company is headquartered in Ballarat.
    Ballarat Goldfields is publicly listed on the ASX in Australia and on AIM in the United
    Kingdom and has approximately 1.2 billion shares on issue.
    In 2004, for the first time following discovery in the 1850's, the leases over the entire
    Ballarat field were consolidated under the sole ownership of Ballarat Goldfields. This
    has resulted in Ballarat Goldfields constructing a comprehensive geological model of
    the entire field, demonstrating what many had suspected, that Ballarat had massive
    unexplored prospectivity. Following a pre-feasibility study, based on Ballarat Goldfields’
    geological model, underground development at Ballarat East recommenced in
    December 2004. In line with this plan, drilling has continued to increase confidence in
    the geological model.
    Exploration activities by Ballarat Goldfields have defined an Inferred Resource of 1.4
    million ounces at Ballarat East and an additional exploration potential of over 9 million
    ounces of gold within the company's Ballarat portfolio.
    Ballarat Goldfields completed stage one of the processing plant in December 2005 only
    6 months after work began. The plant design is unique and based around Gekko
    Systems Ltd gravity technology. Final concentrate treatment will use an inline leach
    Mine development is continuing with over 5km of development complete to date. The
    recent extended mine design will focus on the recently discovered high grade
    mineralisation at depth. The extension of the mine will delay full gold production until
    2009 and will cost an estimated A$120m.
    For further information, please visit Ballarat Goldfields' website at www.ballaratgoldfields.
    Appendix A
    Summary of Key Terms of the Merger Implementation Agreement
    precedent to the
    The principal conditions precedent to the implementation of the
    Scheme include:
    • approvals from applicable regulatory bodies such as
    FIRB, ASIC and ASX;
    • unanimous approval of the Ballarat Goldfields Board;
    • approval by the PNG Exchange Control;
    • Ballarat Goldfields shareholder approval of the Scheme at
    the Scheme Meeting by the requisite majorities under the
    Corporations Act;
    • Court approval of the Scheme in accordance with
    s411(4)(b) of the Corporations Act;
    • no Ballarat Goldfields or Lihir Material Adverse Change
    • no Ballarat Goldfields or Lihir Prescribed Event occurs;
    • the Independent Expert issues a report which concludes
    that the Scheme is in the best interests of Ballarat
    Goldfields shareholders;
    • the MIA has not been terminated;
    • no person (other than Lihir, a subsidiary of Lihir or any
    institutional or portfolio investor in Ballarat Goldfields at
    the date of the MIA) acquires an interest in Ballarat
    Goldfields securities so as to have a relevant interest in
    10% or more of Ballarat Goldfields shares;
    • Ballarat Goldfields has not entered into a Competing
    • the Gold Price does not fall below USD 500 per ounce;
    • the S&P ASX 200 Index does not fall below 4,500 on any
    trading day; and
    • all Ballarat Goldfields options to subscribe for shares
    having been exercised, cancelled or transferred to Lihir.
    No talk and no
    Ballarat Goldfields must ensure that during the period from the
    date of the MIA to the earlier of termination of the MIA, the
    Second Court Date and 28 February 2007 ("Non-Solicitation
    Period") that:
    • (No Shop) Ballarat Goldfields nor any of its related parties
    directly or indirectly solicits, invites, facilitates, encourages
    or initiates any enquiries, negotiations or discussions, or
    communicates any intention to do any of these things,
    with a view to obtaining any expression of interest, offer or
    proposal from any other person in relation to a Competing
    Transaction; and
    • (No Talk) Ballarat Goldfields nor any of its related parties
    negotiates or enters into, participates in negotiations or
    discussions with any other person regarding a Competing
    Transaction or potential Competing Transaction or grants
    any other person any right or access to conduct due
    diligence in respect of Ballarat Goldfields.
    Limitations to
    no talk
    The no talk provisions summarised above do not apply if Ballarat
    Goldfields' Board of Directors has determined, based on the
    written opinion of Queen's Counsel or Senior Counsel, that failing
    to respond to a publicly announced Competing Transaction would
    be reasonably likely to be a breach of their fiduciary duties or
    statutory obligations ("Fiduciary Carve-out").
    and Lihir's right
    to respond
    If Ballarat Goldfields is approached by another person during the
    Non-Solicitation Period with a Competing Transaction to which
    the No Talk or No Shop provisions apply, Ballarat Goldfields must
    immediately notify Lihir of the identity of that person and the key
    terms of their Competing Transaction and a copy of the proposal.
    Ballarat Goldfields must not enter into any agreement in relation
    to that Competing Transaction unless, after notifying Lihir, Lihir
    has not within 2 business days of notification submitted a written
    proposal to Ballarat Goldfields which is on terms no less
    favourable than the Competing Transaction. If Lihir's proposal is
    on terms no less favourable than the Competing Transaction,
    then in the absence of a more favourable offer, Ballarat
    Goldfields must proceed exclusively with Lihir's proposal,
    otherwise Ballarat Goldfields may proceed exclusively with the
    Competing Transaction.
    Break fee A break fee of approximately $A3.5 million is payable by Ballarat
    Goldfields to Lihir if:
    • any director of Ballarat Goldfields makes any public
    statement prior to the approval of the Scheme by the Court
    to the effect that he or she does not support (or no longer
    supports) the Scheme, other than because the
    Independent Expert has concluded that the Scheme is not
    in the best interests of Ballarat Goldfields shareholders;
    • any director of Ballarat Goldfields fails to recommend the
    Scheme or, having done so, any director of Ballarat
    Goldfields publicly withdraws or varies his or her
    favourable recommendation of the Scheme (or any part of
    it) prior to the approval of the Scheme by the Court, other
    than because the Independent Expert has concluded that
    the Scheme is not in the best interests of Ballarat
    Goldfields shareholders;
    • any director of Ballarat Goldfields publicly recommends,
    promotes or otherwise endorses a Competing Transaction;
    • before the Scheme becomes effective, a Competing
    Transaction more favourable to Scheme participants in
    relation to Ballarat Goldfields is announced or open for
    acceptance and a person under the Competing Proposal
    acquires more than a 20% interest in Ballarat Goldfields'
    issued shares,
    provided that the break fee will not be payable by Ballarat
    Goldfields if:
    • prior to any event referred to above occurring, the MIA has
    already been validly terminated; or
    • the Scheme becomes Effective notwithstanding the
    occurrence of any event referred to above.
    There are various capitalised terms used in this Summary which are defined in the MIA.
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