Well.........That got moderated....hmmmmmmmmm..I guess it needs...

  1. 956 Posts.
    Well.........That got moderated....hmmmmmmmmm..I guess it needs to be on the politics thread:

    Here it is:

    "Hi all,

    I've been on holiday for a while and haven't posted.

    I'm not sure if this has been covered but everyone, and I mean EVERYONE needs to go to this site and email their MP about their concerns about the RSPT.

    > http://www.keepminingstrong.com

    There is no use sitting and sulking, we need to make noise.

    I emailed my MP today.

    This tax effects everybody directly or indirectly. It's a socialist tax in a democratic nation.

    It's short sighted policy that will have huge implications to all Australians medium to long term.

    KRUDD thinks we live in a perfect world but the international dollars will just go elsewhere.

    RIO released a letter to all shareholders warning of the dire sovereign risk which Australia will be viewed under. Their letter is worth a read folks. It raises very valid points and is not just scaremongering as the government would have you beleive.

    There are rumblings in the Labor party, and the blow torch is squarely on KRUDD.

    Stike while the iron is hot.

    Promise yourself you'll make the effort before the week is out.

    Make the effort to protect your hard earned investment and future retirement. KRUDD never shared in your risk when you first invested in the mining sector, why does he deserve a massive slice of profit now?

    Cheers to all holders

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