list of tony abbotts many lies

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    On the eve of the 2013 federal election Tony Abbott promised no cuts to education, health, or the ABC and SBS, and no changes to pensions. Fairfax Media looks at how those promises fared in the Abbott government's first budget.


    “ cuts to the ABC or SBS.” (Tony Abbott, September 2013)

    Treasurer Joe Hockey announced $43.5 million in cuts over four years in Tuesday's budget.

    Education, health

    “No cuts to education, no cuts to health…” (Tony Abbott, September 2013)

    Tuesday's budget imposed an $80 billion cut to health and education spending over next decade.

    “We are not shutting any Medicare locals.” (Tony Abbott, August 2013)

    All 61 Medicare Locals will now be scrapped and replaced with new local health networks.


    “No one’s personal tax will go up” (Tony Abbott, March 2012)

    The Treasurer confirmed a deficit levy would be imposed on people who earn incomes over $180,000.


    "No changes to pensions" (Tony Abbott, September 2013)

    Tuesday's budget confirmed age and disability pensions will fall behind wages growth from 2017 after they are instead linked to inflation.

    Foreign Aid

    “From 2014/15, the $5 billion aid budget will grow each year in line with the Consumer Price Index” (Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, January 2014)

    The Treasurer revealed foreign aid would be frozen, leading to a massive $7.6 billion cut over next 5 years.

    Indigenous affairs

    "The Coalition will continue the current level of funding expended on Closing the Gap activities." (Coalition policy document, September 2013)

    Tuesday's budget cut $500 million through the consolidation of 150 programs.


    ‘‘ARENA will have over $2.5 billion in funds to manage." (Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane, November 2013)

    The ARENA (the Australian Reneweable Energy Agency) has been axed.

    "The Coalition will promote the use of solar energy by Australian families and households. It will ensure at least one million additional solar homes or community centres by 2020." (Greg Hunt, December 2011)

    Tuesday's budget scrapped the government's Direct Action policy to fund rebates for the installation of solar panels and deliver 1 million solar roofs.
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