I suppose this below is more your style---the sort of Denier...

  1. 17,930 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    I suppose this below is more your style---the sort of Denier stuff pseudoscience blogs put out.

    Pictures of Gores house are meaningless red herrings--where does Trump live?

    Gore achieved a great deal by bringing climate issues to the people and nowadays most are aware of the issues and the need to act.

    If you think Gore is hypocritical then what is it called when denier blogs fudge data and make up lies about the science?.

    The Paris Climate Accord is GENOCIDE Against Plants, Forests and All Life on Our Planet

    In red is the real climate opinion backed by peer reviewed research.

    The primary goal of the Paris Climate Accord — the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide — is nothing less than genocide against all plant life across our planet. That’s because all plants depend on CO2 for their very survival.

    (Plants also depend on O2 for their very survival)

    It’s the “oxygen” for plants, and right now trees, grasses and food crops are starving for CO2 because it sits at nearly the lowest level it has ever been in the history of the Earth (barely above 400 ppm now, when it used to be over 7,000 ppm in the past).

    (Barely above 400ppm is the highest level in the past 1.5million years)

    Humans attempting to eliminate CO2 from the atmosphere is equivalent to some evil, fictional “plant demon” attempting to eliminate oxygen from the atmosphere, causing the mass asphyxiation of the entire human race.

    (Eliminating the CO2 from the atmosphere means finding a place to keep 3,200 billion tonnes of CO2)

    Just as eliminating oxygen is genocide against humans, eliminating carbon dioxide is genocide against plants.

    (Plants wouldn’t be too worried about genocide by humans as they’ve been here long before humans arrived and they will be here long after we’re gone)

    Much like everything else pushed by scientifically illiterate bureaucrats and globalists, climate change is a global narrative of the destruction of life.

    (Scientifically illiterate bureaucrats and globalists are smart enough to understand plants and animals are handy to eat)

    If the climate change terrorists achieve their goals, they will DESTROY the planetary food chain and plunge all life on Earth — including human life — into a mass die-off.

    (Don’t worry about the climate change terrorists destroying the planetary food chain, there are lots more than one)

    Depopulation is the goal, you see. Eliminating CO2 from the atmosphere has always been about destroying human life in order to achieve the population reduction goals openly espoused by every liberal globalist from Bill Gates to Ted Turner.

    (Climate change terrorists and globalists draw the line at murder even when tempted by deniers)

    You can’t SAVE the planet by MURDERING all plants

    (Just try murdering all the plants and they will kick your arse for the next 1,000 years.)

    The planet needs higher CO2 and more rainfall to support more reforestation, more food production and the transformation of deserts into food producing regions.

    (Excess CO2 is making deserts like the Sahara get bigger)

    Increased rainfall is caused by warmer global temperatures which increase ocean water evaporation and make the land masses of the planet “wetter.”

    (Increased CO2 is making Southern Australia drier)

    A wetter, greener planet with more plant life supports more biodiversity, animal sustainability and self-reliant food production in developing nations.

    (Increased CO2 is causing eastern African countries to have extended droughts)

    A warmer, greener planet, in other words, solves most of the problems now plaguing humankind including food scarcity, desertification, and shortages of fresh water supplies.

    (A warmer greener planet has more animal and plant diseases and pandemics and higher seas)

    No wonder the evil, destructive globalists don’t want the planet to be warmer with higher CO2 levels: They despise all life and they actively seek to depopulate the planet of humans.

    Evil destructive globalists will suffer if humans are depopulated as that’s bad for business.)

    The insane, anti-life globalists want Earth to be colder, dryer and devoid of the very plants and ecosystems that support the production of food and medicine.

    (Even insane anti-life globalists like to eat so they want healthy plants and ecosystems.)

    (Why do they want more ice everywhere? Wouldn’t green ecosystems be better than frozen wastelands? Why do climate change alarmists hyperventilate when they hear that icebergs are melting?)

    (They prefer ice everywhere as if the ice isn’t everywhere it will mean rising seas. No ice on the planet means houses will need 60 metre stilts.)

    They all want Earth to be a dead planet, in other words, as a means to commit mass genocide against all life.

    (Mass genocide against all life is a really slow and stupid way for humans to commit suicide)

    Real conservationists and scientists like myself want to increase sustainable life on our planet, which is why we support a warmer, greener, and more lush planet with increased rainfall, faster food production and higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

    (Real conservationists and scientists like yourself are a rare breed and for your own protection you should be kept in a zoo)

    If you love nature, you will join us in supporting the molecule that Mother Nature needs to flourish: Carbon dioxide.

    (Mother Nature did ok before humans arrived so she’s fine)

    The Paris Climate Accord is a genocide treaty and a declaration of war against Mother Nature and planet Earth.

    (Declaring war against Mother Nature is another slow and stupid way to commit suicide)
    Last edited by RedCedar: 30/12/18
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