PSC 1.04% 9.7¢ prospect resources limited

Lithium BOOM continues: spodumene $2,600 Woweee!

  1. 1,008 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2702
    Congratulations all long-term holders like Sinomine China who paid 60c, who weathered the storm all the way down to almost bankruptcy 5c in march 2020 after always paying directors fees and making sure employees were paid ! Well Done!

    Now for your reward! look at this baby rocket! up another 2.83% on friday, your patience is being rewarded.. That's 50% up since December!

    Long-term holders must rejoice at that 45,000,000 shares just issued, 10% dilution just 2 months ago! this means we now have $20,000,000 in the bank and can just be a little more patient and let our 7 competing bids fight among themselves! what a wonderful position to not have to rush the most important decision in long-term holders life's.

    * so good we used a $900 spodumene price in December to keep out NPV way low at $1 billion, instead of using spot of $2,600 which would give us almost $3 BILLION!

    * anyone who has ever sold there house, you no the most import thing is to keep your sale price as low as possible! you don't want to scare of the buyers having it too high... Canaccord especially! if they are getting a sellors fee from being the NO1 adviser to the chinese buyer, they want the sale price as low as possible so they get there fee! business first!

    Isn't our presentation awesome! we never used a spodumene price higher than $1,000 --- Under promise & OVER DELIVER is our moto!

    Hahaha , go back to bed! it's all a dream! you've been sold out already! it wasn't worth the risk! you invested your hard earned money to take the risk, but smarter people than you with many more MILLIONS of free options that they have never paid 1 c for decided to ignore everything they ever said for the last 4 years and sell us out.... i have to laugh, i just hope SC6 spodume isn't over $3,000 come AGM time! sneaky.png

    Dear Moderators, all good! nothing but positive factual presentation information quoted

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Mkt cap ! $55.45M
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9.6¢ 9.7¢ 9.6¢ $55.41K 576.6K

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1 7752 9.6¢

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9.8¢ 20000 1
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Last trade - 15.42pm 29/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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