LTR 1.52% 67.0¢ liontown resources limited

OK, let's do simple maths, but I need you to be a collaborative...

  1. 650 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    OK, let's do simple maths, but I need you to be a collaborative student.

    ALL analyses indicate that EVs market is growing. So every single year the number of EVs sold are more than those sold the year before. That means that this year 2024 the lithium production chain will consume more lithium that the year before. Now your homework: tell us, which is the total amount of extra lithium (compared to 2023) that is a new coming to the market? Where does it comes from (name the mines and the proposed output)? Please include production cuts from current producers (chinese lepidolite, CXO, Greenbushes,...) in your final numbers.

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