LTR 2.17% 67.5¢ liontown resources limited

Lithium Related Media Articles, page-21655

  1. 650 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    You are the first who doesn’t know about what you write. That’s because you just copy and paste journalists’ words without doing any research. And you want people to take your posts for serious…. The title of them is not a warning, it pretends to be a veredict. And you lack the knowlegde about mining to give any sound conclusion. Moreover, you haven’t recognized your false warnings in the past and withdrawn them.
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70.0¢ 70.5¢ 67.3¢ $10.70M 15.72M

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9 243706 67.5¢

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68.0¢ 165682 1
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