LTR 2.17% 67.5¢ liontown resources limited

Lithium Related Media Articles, page-23787

  1. 10,732 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3118
    I've not been too overly excited by the "Imminent Take Over" scenario, but after reading this;....

    "It means the timing of the market switching back to undersupply, because of the double-digit growth in demand Rio pointed to, will arrive sooner than is currently anticipated, forcing a cyclical kick in prices to the higher levels ...".

    Hmmmm, maybe just maybe there is something to the hurry up after all. biggrin.png

    Just like the other LTH's, I'm okay though as I've got a fully paid CGD qualified box seat ticket that I've been seat warming for quite awhile now, - so dim the lights, pull back the curtain and start the show. cool.png

    Last edited by TrayonRanger: 09/08/24
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