LTR 1.25% 60.8¢ liontown resources limited

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  1. 10,736 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3121
    "Disruption is happening and its happening now."

    Tony Seba predicted price inflection (EV=ICE price), would escalate EV sales and from then on disruption would occur exponentially.

    Guess what?

    Inflection has arrived in China.

    The rest is history, but the best is yet to come.

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Mkt cap ! $1.456B
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60.0¢ 61.5¢ 59.5¢ $2.126M 3.524M

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25 164966 60.5¢

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61.0¢ 136029 13
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Last trade - 11.29am 12/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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