Lithium, page-35

  1. 1,281 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1847
    Time will tell, disagree all you want, but be prepared for it.

    Again, a lot of demergers the current shareholders get only a priority spot in purchasing new share in the new company… so its worlds better than that. I just hope people arnt expecting their holdings to magically be worth double on day one of the demerger (who knows, it could be!)

    absolutely not giving Ganfeng anything, they would have to buy it… and we would sell it to them as LithiumCo will need cash! How much cash and how much to be sold is TBA.

    if you relook through what has been released since the lithium deal, I am convinced Ganfeng will be a substantial investor in LithiumCo… which doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all.
    Last edited by Karl89: 30/07/21
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