FFX 0.00% 20.0¢ firefinch limited

I find it so hard to believe my post was moderated for being...

  1. 5,725 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2267
    I find it so hard to believe my post was moderated for being "off topic"

    I linked to the source where i was specifically talking about LITHIUM GRADES, FFX specifically vs peers and the biggest and best lithium plants in the world.. i quoted grades from companies on websites that were 100% accurate. Quite shocking to see this removed when i was factual, objective and on topic backing my thoughts up with facts.

    If we have 1.5% ore grade and Sayona has 1% at Arthier - those are the facts. Most of the current producers are around 1.5% or better.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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