Little Johnny Strikes again:

  1. 204 Posts.
    The teacher was asking the children what they had for breakfast, and then to spell it.
    "Mary, what did you have?" "I had cornflakes, Miss. C-O-R-N-F-L-A-K-E-S." "Very good.
    Alan, what did you have?" "I had toast, Miss. T-O-A-S-T." "Very good.
    Now Johnny, what did you have?" "Bugger all, Miss. B-U-G-G-E-R......" "Yes, thank you Johnny, that's enough of that.
    Let's go on to some geography.
    Tracey, where is the Panama Canal ?" "Between North and South America , Miss." "Very good.
    George, where is the Mexican border?" "Between the USA and Mexico , Miss." "Very good.
    Now Johnny, where is the Polish border?" "In bed with my mum. That's why I had bugger all for breakfast, Miss!"
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