Long joke but great punch line if you take the time to read the...

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    Long joke but great punch line if you take the time to read the whole joke first.

    Johnny was turning 3 and his parents asked him what present he wanted for his special day. Little Johnny thought for a bit and asked very politely if he could please get a green ball with purple spots. Both parents were somewhat surprised as they were sure he wanted Thomas the Tank Engine as it was his favourite program on television. They said ‘Why do you want a green ball with purple spots Johnny?’ Johnny replied that it was a secret and he couldn’t tell them. Dad was a bit put out by this response and said to Johnny ‘I am sorry Johnny but you are a bit young this year so we will think of something else’ Disappointed Johnny said ‘Ok Dad’. Johnny liked his Thomas the Tank Engine.
    A year went by and Johnny was turning 4. Leggo was now his favourite thing in the world so his parents were pretty confident of the answer they would get when they asked Johnny what he would like for his 4th birthday. Imagine their shock when Johnny once more exclaimed that he would simply like a green ball with purple spots for his 4th birthday. Mum this time enquired what was so important about getting a green ball with purple spots. Johnny replied that it was a secret and he couldn’t tell them. Mum was suspicious why her loving 4 year old would not tell her why he wanted a green ball with purple spots and told Johnny that the shops were all out this year and he would have to wait. Disappointed Johnny said ‘Ok Mum’ . Johnny liked his leggo.
    Johnny was now turning 5 and growing up to be a big boy and was very good at soccer. With his birthday approaching and his Mum and Dad knowing about this fixation he appeared to have with balls they were sure Johnny would want a brand new soccer ball for his 5th birthday. Johnny loved nothing more than playing soccer in the back yard with his Dad even though the ball was only a cheap plastic variety. Johnnys parents told him how proud they were of his soccer skills and enquired what he would like for his 5th birthday. Much to their delight Johnny beamed up at them and said ‘I think you know I would like a special ball for my birthday’ Their delight soon turned to annoyance when Johnny once more told them he would like a green ball with purple spots. The annoyance became anger when they once again asked why he wanted a green ball with purple spots and were once again given the answer that it was a secret and he couldn’t tell them. Little Johnny wasn’t that excited about the soccer ball.
    To cut a long story short this went on for years with each year Johnny’s parents asking him why he wanted a green ball with purple spots and Johnny saying he couldn’t tell them because it was a secret.
    Little Johnny was little no more and about to start College. His parents new he really was in need of a new note book. They no longer asked Johnny what he wanted for his birthday as it was always the same thing…a green ball with purple spots and then the argument because he wouldn't say why he wanted it. So they simply stopped asking much to Johnnys disappointment. When Johnny received his brand new note book he thanked his parents and went to his room. Johnny liked his note book but it wasn’t what he had wanted.
    The years went by and Johnny never received the gift he always wished for from his parents but then one day Johnny married and had children of his own. Several years down the track his wife and two sons Oliver and James started to enquire what Johnny would like for his birthday. Just being asked this question once again made Johnny extremely happy. He happily told his family that he would very much like a green ball with purple spots. Johnnys wife thought this a most peculiar request and wondered if the children Oliver and James might think Johnny a bit of a weird father if he received such a gift. So Johnnys wife made some excuses about them being out of stock at the shops and hoped Johnny would like his new watch. Which he did. Each year whilst Oliver and James were young the ritual happened and Johnny didn’t receive his desired gift.
    As the years went by Oliver and James moved out and started families of their own. Never again was Johnny asked what he would like for his birthday.
    Year by year drifted by and Johnny became gravely ill. His sons Oliver and James and his wife gathered around his hospital bed. Curiosity got the better of his wife and she said ‘ Johnny for as long as I have known you and I have been told by your parents also that all you wanted was a green ball with purple spots. Johnnys weak eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. Finally could this be it?
    Johnnys wife pleaded with him ‘Please Johnny…we must know…why did you want a green ball with purple spots so passionately?’
    Johnny resigned to his fate sighed and said ‘Ok…you have all been very patient with me…the reason I so much wanted a green ball with purple spots is….Johnny let out one gasp then died.
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