Like every person who watched the footage I was appalled and...

  1. 420 Posts.
    Like every person who watched the footage I was appalled and agree that something had to be done to address animal welfare. But as a farmer and participant in the live animal export industry I can certainly sympathies with the northern cattle industry at the moment.

    After years of minimal at best profits to finally have a year where both the season and prices are very good this is heart breaking for them. I have also worked on cattle stations in northern Australia and the work that goes into getting their produce to a saleable item, is extraordinary. It would be a massive disruption to their whole management. Getting stock to the point of sale takes years of preparation, before the animal is born. To have your livelihood simply shut down from one day to the next through no fault of your own would be a hard pill to swallow no matter what line of work you are in. Also the livelihood it provides for so many that are either directly or indirectly associated with the live cattle export is extensive. When the primary production industry have favorable seasons the money flows throughout the whole community, trades people, shop owners, schools, hospitals, services etc etc. Unfortunately any compensation paid by taxpayers wont reach these people/families.

    The saddest outcome from this issue is the decision by the government will punish the wrong people. It is not the fault of the transport industry, aerial mustering industry, primary producers, plumbers/electricians that service those regions etc etc that the cattle are being mistreated by another country. As a farmer we pay a levy for just about everything these days and one of those is to the body (MLA) that is supposed to ensure these practices do not occur. We can feel let down by these organisations and I believe, our government.

    The whole coverage to date has focused on the cruelty to animals. I would like you to put yourselves in the shoes of some of the families that will be effected by this decision. If your business was simply shut down overnight. You suddenly have a mortgage, school fees, living costs etc but no income. Start to balance the debate and cover the human side of what is happening.
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