OK Dave R “like you who writes rubbish here every day...

  1. 3,958 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 97
    OK Dave R
    “like you who writes rubbish here every day Johilo”
    Dave 42,271 posts. Joe 155 posts.
    A massive bucket of hyperbole Davo.
    Get a grip sonny jim.
    Since you want to be in the insulting stakes.....
    Judging by your lack of in- depth analysis of anything I have read you have posted on HC,
    I have zero faith in your electrical skills in your home wiring with your Bunnings magic legendary lunch time electrician pack.
    ”who would ever know” you say regarding your illegal wiring.
    Totally hypocritical.
    You want everyone to adhere to prescriptions and proscriptions by government (especially if it is ALP coloured) yet you flagrantly break the regulations/law. And with such a M.O. you are thieving from other consumers and adding costs to all.
    You NIMBY.
    You fail to understand your undermining of your own dream just as you do the investment /payback/ cost benefit of your solar array.
    Ergon energy may have different rules in Qld than elsewhere in the Commonwealth- that is certainly the case in Tas and no alternative retail supplier exists there, only the state owned Aurora.
    Stop projecting issues and consider that others have intelligent contributions to make to a debate.

    Your posting history shows a propensity by you to be insulting and your readers to put you back in your box on many issues over thousands of posts. Could there be clue in that?
    Your words...”wakey wakey”
    without future regards

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