Agree with most of that although I take exception to calling...

  1. 37,360 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    Agree with most of that although I take exception to calling Victorians dropkicks. I am from Victoria obviously.

    While I agree with you that an onshore ban is silly, you need to know that both sides of Victorian politics supported the ban. Not just Labor.
    And, individual councils were trying to ban it anyway driven by the people of Victoria. Not me obviously.

    Also, the same thing has happened in NSW and of course there is the ' Lock the Gate gang ' whom originated in Qld.

    So in many cases, it was a people driven thing.

    However, it gets back to lack of political leadership and the poor selling of the message.

    With the benefit of hindsight, if we'd had federal governments communicating with state governments, much of this mess would have been avoided.
    If Rudd had got his emissions trading scheme up, business would have had something to invest against. Instead we've had nothing but lobbyist driven arguing for a decade and we are doing things the hard way.
    Turnbull's NEM, while less than perfect, was accepted by the business community as a way forward. Unfortunately that's in the bin now and it looks like ScoMo isn't interested in replacing it. So, for the next three years at least we will be wasting money on things like nuclear power investigations, keeping business groups in the dark and making little progress.

    In the end, it comes back to poor political leadership in my view.

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