LNP Economy 101, page-13

  1. 80,947 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    “There's no skills shortage ... it's a ruse. To have a shortage we would need workplaces that require skilled people and they don't exist in numbers enough to, nor will the,y given out clever country is more interested in bumb sitting jobs that merely exist to give people something unproductive to do.”

    Basically agree with that

    the question then becomes why don’t we have those workplaces??

    The reason for that one is that we don’t have an educated population

    we have a job trained population

    we need people in business to have the classics in education - the arts, sociology, philosophy

    without that- they have no way to think, envision and get an overall grip

    all they can do is fix fridges, sell cars or fill teeth

    the very things in education that the Liberals are making difficult - we are missing
    Last edited by pintohoo: 19/04/21
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