LNP just lost QLD and more lib Voters, page-20

  1. 1,314 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 42
    I just read the article, couple of points, Morrison did not say the LNP would preference ALP/Greens , he said there would be no preference deals with ON. It's the Senate we are talking about , you either vote 1 above the line, np preferences or for every candidate below the line , the LNP doesn't vote for you, you have to do this yourself, if you are interested enough in the state of the nation, you would know (if you were to vote below the line) who your 1 to say 5th preferences were and who you were going to put last . its time to be stop wailing about every bit of misreporting and skewered and misleading headings and think for yourselves for a change.
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