CDU 0.00% 23.5¢ cudeco limited

Well everyone, it's the early hours and time I believe, to pour...

  1. 378 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 170
    Well everyone, it's the early hours and time I believe, to pour some oil on troubled waters. Here's an old Ella Fitzgerald favourite of mine, and tonight this one goes out to someone who's been a vocal supporter of the company for an eternity. He's never wavered and has always been a glass is 99% full type of guy, even when it's lying on the floor in a thousand pieces. This one's for you ROH.

    Blue skies
    Smiling on me
    Nothing but blue skies
    Do I see.

    Singing a song
    Nothin’ but blue skies Nine years on.

    I never saw the sun shining so strong
    Why is the crusher taking so long?
    Noticing the months pass in a hurry
    “Nothin’ to worry, we’re in the ‘Curry”.

    Green days
    All of them gone
    Nothing but red days
    From now on.

    Never saw the sun shining so strong
    Never saw things going so wrong
    Noticing the years slipping away
    Waiting for sales, maybe today?

    Green days
    All of them gone
    Nothing but red days
    From now on.

    night night.
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