So unless my math is crap 97.1% of 32.6% = 31.65% endorse the...

  1. 1,306 Posts.
    So unless my math is crap 97.1% of 32.6% = 31.65% endorse the consensus position that AGW is real.

    Governments get elected by achieving 31.65% of the primary vote, even though 68.35% don't want them.

    Particle physicists at CERN wouldn't even need the LHC as they could achieve that level of certainty just by doing calcs on the back of an envelope!

    OH, it just crossed my mind that the Climastrologists did most of their calcs on the backs of envelopes! Computers are used only to convinced the techno-peasants that it must be true because the computer models say so.
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