Lock it all Down, page-94

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5

    thanks for the informative reply. Don't worry we are all guessing but not many give it that much thought which I appreciate. I'll just add my take on your points.

    Take a look at #Ecuadorenemergencia, you'll see ol' King Covid doesn't mind a summer break. I'll leave the subject of who did/didn't do what. That will be ripped apart by others. Suffice to say it was well known but minimised.

    Those articles in a previous post suggest a flattened curve won't reach herd immunity, especially in 6 months so, if that is the goal, then infections will need to increase markedly soon. That approach will see more deaths than I feel is justified but it will end quicker.

    Phase 1 if herd immunity or near it is the goal, the impression I get is it would need to start soon but last at least 6 months which is why I've been thinking May to July, and it continuing at a slower burn til October. Happy to change view though. Elsewhere it moves quickly once restrictions lift even a little and the sooner it begins the sooner it will burn out or slow, the sooner oldies can be safer and more freedoms. I'm not being glib, I'm fully aware of the potential human cost. This says it better than me,

    We had been assuming Australia was ‘flattening the curve’ to achieve herd immunity with minimal deaths and within health service capacity. As of Sunday night, it seems we are instead more severely squashing the curve.

    How do we know this?

    Statements by Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy reveal it: “we have had a somewhat slowing of the growth in the epidemiology curve, but it’s not enough. We have to slow it further.

    And we have to stop the thing that’s worrying us most, which is community transmission... And hopefully these early signs of flattening will mean that we can keep going in getting a reduction in the rate of increase every day.”

    If we were flattening the curve to achieve herd immunity without over-burdening the health system, we would let the number of cases rise to a level that our health services can manage, and let the population become infected at a manageable rate.

    Australia’s daily COVID-19 case rates are currently beneath what is necessary to ride the epidemic out to herd immunity – if that is our goal.


    So it does seem by that that it agrees with your view, fast tracking herd immunity is fraught with problems imo. If that is the case and they are planning to keep their foot on its throat, keep infections low throughout as we await vaccine and treatments, then Morrison will have a massive tick from me. If people can trust they have their back then the economy will do ok. Trump will destroy confidence creating fear with his recklessness.

    As I say, I think it is fair we lay folk have a view, it's our butts on the line and the discourse helps come to terms with it even if it gets heated. Whatever the case we'll likely find out this week. and I'll look forward to the day we can all argue about franking credits instead.

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