When you take into account the presence and guidance of the...

  1. 6,965 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    When you take into account the presence and guidance of the spousal GP, you'd have imagined it impossible that Dex would believe the sort of mental anguish being contemplated here relates just to the sudden disappearance of coffee options.

    I've been reasonably lucky in my life, but I've seen the devil of depression and isolation in friends in the past and, from the little I know, it has nothing to do with the absence of caffeine nor some generationally forgotten hardening of the spirit.

    I'd like to be optimistic about where we are going with this supposed pandemic. It worries me that, while I can quote the facts and figures that I believe highlight the serious doubts we should all have about the merits of what is happening, it appears people still think a total shutdown is necessary simply because elected officials say it is so and they have the police muscle to enforce it.

    So you can point out that only 11 people under 60 have died in Australia, or that more people were taken by flu last year, and still the faith in Premier Andrews is unbroken. It matters not that almost everyone who has the virus will recover and that we have spent an estimated $1 billion per death, Nor does it matter that there are specialists around the world with promising input into the topic who are being shut out completely. It is an example of how a nation falls under the will of an evil leadership. No politician worth the name will miss how easy it is to make our population do as they wish.

    Anyway, for all that, it seems like an extraordinary coincidence that the group that know what is best for us all are also in charge of the media and have the police at their fingertips to fine and arrest us if necessary.

    How lucky is that? With the population so compliant and the politicians having so much power, imagine what they could do if they didn't care about us so much?
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