Dave RI was born in NZ, and I love NZ more than any place...

  1. 3,363 Posts.
    Dave R

    I was born in NZ, and I love NZ more than any place else.

    The only problem I see is the fact that I am not a racist, If I was a racist you would have no problems with me.


    You are a very misguided fool and believe all the garbage you hear on CNN & free to air TV, there is a whole world out there and you haven't got the slightest idea of what is really happening.

    If you honestly believe all the crap excuses the US is spinning to justify invading a whole nation then you need some real help.

    I cannot be bothered with trying to explain to the simpletons on the site that WAR under the current circumstances is NOT justified.

    I am glad that the majority of peace loving people in this world agree with me.

    Now climb back under your rock child.
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