marcj said: "I wonder how many climate change sceptic's are...

  1. 573 Posts.
    marcj said: "I wonder how many climate change sceptic's are "creationists" or believe "creationism" and dismiss evolution for their christian doctrine.

    I've met a few ... lol"

    OK...this is *rich*: a radically novel theory of gloabl climate change has been proposed, and because many of us have had the temerity to challenge want to debate point out the obvious flaws in the evidence put forward by the proposers of this theory...we have to endure name-calling and derision. We've been called "deniers", "skeptics", (Tony Jones on Lateline last week even called us "flat-earthers"--so much for ABC fairness), and NOW (drum roll) *creationists*. I know I must be correct. The escalation of name-calling just confirms it.

    And as for the "...yes, but what if you skeptics are wrong" argument. Hmmm...that sounds like what a witch doctor might have said to his skeptical fellow tribesmen: "Hey, lety's not forget that pestilence that ripped thru the village last was the skeptics who died back then!! Don't anger the gods!!"
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