look how fat we have become .

  1. 3,791 Posts.

    I'm up in Port Douglas at the moment , and on sitting around the pool , I couldn't help but notice how incredibly over weight pretty much all people have become . Women in particular , there simply would not be a fraction of a % that is of healthy correct weight ..

    On return my my room ..I ficked on channel " GO " , and " I dream of Geanie " , " Bewitched " were on ..Look at the Actors in these series ..Look how slim they are , you wouldn't find an individual ( or it would be difficult ) of the build of Say , Major Nelson , or the husband of the witch on " Bewitched " ..the female actors are of similar build .

    How is it ..and remember these are American Sit Coms , that people have become so incredibly FAT and they just accept it ?? Any ugly female who is just the correct weight thinks she is a Glamour .

    I find this acceptance is the Big problem .
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