looking at fib levels

  1. 1,845 Posts.
    Along the same lines as the MA thread started by gj, I thought it might be worth having a look at Fib levels. I've started to do this in relation to a couple of the majors. By posting them here I can't go back and cheat by changing the data.

    The first two charts are WBC. Both are weekly. The first shows how many hits there have been at fib levels over the last few years. I first posted it a few days ago so the data is not quite up to date but that's not the point. The point is the apparent accuracy of the fib levels. It accurately predicts the recent high of 24.50 (pity I didn't follow my own advice here - lol).

    WBC - weekly fibs

    The next chart is a zoomed in version of WBC showing a close hit today on the 50% fib. Is there a chance that WBC will turn up from here?

    wbc - fib levels

    Any thoughts are welcome.



    p.s. If the charts are too big just let me know and I'll post them as thumbnails or make them smaller. I didn't expect them to come out quite so large - but at least they are easy to read.
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